Switch Media’s Role
Switch Media’s video content management system, the Switch Media Manager, is at the heart of the new DPS service. The Media Manager platform manages all of the updates to metadata, for both the web interface and ParlInfo (Parliament’s full database), and provides authentication services via an Active Directory. The Switch Media Manager also stores the metadata, bookmarks and preferences in a database, maintains a record of all media usage, and includes an in-built analytics web interface for reporting purposes.
To cater for the organic growth of the service, Switch Media’s engineers designed a highly modular solution. The architecture is designed so that specific processes can be expanded to include additional resources without affecting other services. The solution specified the provision of dedicated servers to provide streaming capabilities for near live video, VoD and subscriber requests for file downloads.
The streaming servers wrap raw media files into a streaming format and also host all of the media files that are being served to the various subscribers.
Project Outcomes & ROI
At its launch in early 2013 the DPS service provided access to over 55,000 hours of archived parliamentary sessions as well as a wide range of audio and other locally ingested broadcast and pre-recorded video content. With web access to Switch Media’s advanced player which includes sophisticated search, bookmarking and tagging capabilities, members are able to enjoy unparalleled access to a wide range of current and previously archived Parliamentary content.
Today the service is evolving with Switch Media continuing the development of the service to make improvements and to meet user requests for enhancements and additional functionality.
Project Summary
- Created a modular software and hardware ecosystem to support an expanding service for near live viewing, VoD services, web and download access
- Delivered web access to over 55,000 hours of archived parliamentary content
- Validated specified hardware and software systems to enable in house self-management and continued operation of the service
- Provided access to a wide selection of relevant free-to-air television and radio content to Parliamentary members
- Developed an interface to the DPS specified 3rd party MAM system
- Delivered a serviceable platform that is robust and extendable to support increased capacity and load variations