• Switch Telemetry for video

Video metrics that  help you make data driven decisions

  • Switch Telemetry

Telemetry provides valuable insights into how your video service is performing so that you can make data driven decisions.

Driven by data that’s gathered from all points of the video workflow, our dashboards provide you with actionable insights that you can learn from and use to further enhance your video delivery.

Simple yet powerful video analytics

Telemetry provides transparency and insights on how your organisations online video content is delivered and how it’s received by your audience. Our dashboards provide a detailed real-time view of user experience, operations and performance across your video delivery. Telemetry provides relevant metrics and insights that are most valuable to your business – after all, informed data will help you to make better, data driven decisions.

Customisable dashboards

Telemetry provides you with the flexibility to create your own real-time analytics dashboard through utilising hundreds of data points. Visibility of your tailored data dashboard will help you drive quantitative insights and business decisions to optimise your video content delivery. You’ll have access to a combination of real-time and historical data analytics, customisable dashboard filtering features, API response times, and configurable data retention windows with extensive search capabilities, so you’ll have all the insights you need at your fingertips.

Make it simple

Telemetry will help you gain valuable insights and identify opportunities for improvement in end-user consumption. We believe analytics reporting should be simple while giving you the information you need, when you need it.

We believe that having the ability to manage your own comprehensive analytics dashboard will provide crucial data and insights required to identify problems and make key decisions.

Gather data across a vast array of systems and platforms

With Telemetry, live and on demand content consumption information will be gathered via one of our third-party players with our SDK implemented as standard. This coupled with data sourced from components of the MediaHQ product suite, such as Media Ingest, Transcode and Advertising, will provide you with further insights on how your video supply chain is operating. If you’re using third-party platforms in the workflow, our consulting team can write custom data collectors to allow for further information and understanding on performance.

Highlighted below are the components of Telemetry

Click or swipe to learn more about other products in the MediaHQ suite

Projects that have used Telemetry include