BLOG: How do broadcasters optimise their content delivery journey?

By Bruce Hume, Switch Media

To keep up with the changing demands of today’s television viewers, broadcasters need to ensure their content workflows are as optimised as possible, so that content is made available to users as quickly as possible. Gone are the days of preparing a show and broadcasting it live or as part of a linear only schedule.

Now broadcasters need to prepare multiple versions of a show for a variety of platforms. As technology provider for Foxtel Australia, a relevant example is Game of Thrones. The broadcast for this show spanned a multitude of platforms and devices for an audience of millions.  We understand the complexity of delivering premium content quickly and at scale, as it’s something we have been doing since 2007.

In today’s multi-platform world, content needs to quickly be diced and sliced for OTT and social media just minutes after an important or relevant event has happened. Let’s take the UK’s Brexit woes as an example (sorry UK!). As soon as a vote has been cast in the House of Commons, social media will explode with clips and comments as every broadcaster pushes to get their content up first. This doesn’t just hold true for news and current affairs; sports and entertainment are also key. Many broadcasters are using technology that simply doesn’t allow them to meet these demands.

What are the key considerations broadcasters need to factor when delivering content online?

  1. Get content through the preparation workflow and fast!
  2. Satisfy viewer demand using scalable systems
  3. Increase audience share
  4. Maintain relevance
  5. Increase revenue
  6. Automate tasks and streamline workflow processes
  7. Provide useful analytics around viewership
  8. Work in a collaborative environment to ensure productivity and speed

At Switch Media, we understand these requirements and have developed MediaHQ,  a powerful product suite of modular components that will be launched at NAB 2019 on booth SU10721. MediaHQ helps simplify the complexity of online video so that global broadcasters and content owners can deliver a quality viewing experience within minutes. Using a powerful workflow engine and a flexible suite of modular components that integrate seamlessly with existing systems, MediaHQ is fully supported by our expert in-house technical team to provide assistance 24/7.

Over more than a decade, we’ve delivered multi-award-winning solutions for major content owners and live events worldwide. We know that broadcasters want flexible solutions that fit seamlessly with their workflow. Over time we’ve developed tools, modules and customised solutions that have been used to build multi-award-winning apps and services. The next logical step for us was to productise this experience, hence MediaHQ.

Our mission is to provide flexible, lightweight components that seamlessly integrate with existing systems and can be adapted for a range of requirements. Depending on these requirements, we will commission a workflow that utilises any or all of the components of MediaHQ to manage and assist in the seamless delivery of content across any device. From ingest, media management and preparation to distribution and analytics, broadcasters can access everything they need to improve or augment their video workflow, under one roof and one platform.

Don’t just take our word for it! Come and see us at NAB 2019 on booth SU10721 and let us take you through it.

Also, if you’re at the show on Tuesday April 9th Switch Media’s Bruce Hume and Tomas Weber will be presenting sessions at the show.

·       Maximizing Revenues in an Aggregator Landscape
Bruce Hume, 11am, CM|IP Presentation Theater, South Hall Upper.

·       Is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Ready for its TV Debut?
Tomas Weber, 4pm, CM|IP Debate Theater, South Hall Upper.

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