A highly optimised multi-platform video player
Universal Player offers a lightweight, feature rich video player for web, connected TV, consoles and mobile devices.
This mature player product delivers an exceptional end user experience and offers support for background services including ad break skins and analytics.
Best of breed
Utilising core video components from Google, Bitmovin and others, Universal Player delivers the required integrations for simple interaction with the MediaHQ product suite. Key components include customisable player skins, and AdEase and Telemetry support, making integration a straightforward and simple process.
Leading HbbTV player
Developed over 5 years, Universal Player for HbbTV is used extensively across the ANZ region. This flexible, reliable and easy to use player is available as a licensed, fully supported solution for broadcasters, app developers and agencies alike.
Experience and partnerships
As a mature software offering, Universal Player is on its fourth evolution. Initial player development began for Switch Media in 2008 using Flash technologies. The player now utilises Google (ExoPlayer, Shaka Player) and Apple (AVPlayer) frameworks as well as a number of proprietary DRM players. Our goal is to continually enhance the product and ensure it keeps device resource consumption at a minimum by using the most suitable technologies available.
Streaming formats, DRM, accessibility and beyond
With support for all standard video streaming formats and playback capabilities such as Chromecast and AirPlay, you can be sure to reach all your end user needs. Secure delivery of content using encryption or DRM as standard out of the box offerings. Caption support via WebVTT is available for both live and VOD content. Additionally, Universal Player has extensive support for advertising. Set up rules for ad skipping and overlays when in server side ad playback. Client-side advertising supports VAST and VMAP when SSAI is not available.