EXCLUSIVE RESEARCH: Australia’s media viewing preferences and consumption

Switch Media commissioned a body of primary research* that explored Australia’s media viewing preferences and consumption habits. Exclusive to Switch Media, the research findings cover perception around streaming habits, quality and services, multi-device and multi-viewing habits.

Some key findings include:

  • Netflix, ABC, and SBS are viewed as providing the best overall user experience with 97%, 93% and 90%, respectively, of their audiences rating their experience above average.

  • Australians have used an average of 4.3 streaming services.

  • Close to half (39%) of consumers use a laptop or desktop to watch streamed content, 34% use an Apple iPad, and 30% percent use an iPhone. The Smart TV was close behind at 28%.

  • The most popular place to watch streamed content is the living room (86%), followed by the bedroom (57%), while 15% viewed streamed content while in the bathroom or on the toilet.

  • While a benefit of streaming is that it can be viewed while out and about, only 14% watch streamed content on public transport and 6% watch while travelling in the car.

Download our FREE whitepaper for detailed findings on our exclusive research!

Our whitepaper – OTT Insights: uptake, perceptions and the worldwide evolution, looks at the progression of this cultural revolution and reveals interesting insights and statistics from our exclusive research around Australia’s media viewing habits, perceptions and expectations.


  • How to best monetise content while providing a quality viewing experience.
  • Where and how consumers use streaming services in Australia.
  • Where the OTT streaming industry may be headed in the future.
  • How to meet the demand for quality content in a rapidly changing industry.

Register to download your FREE copy now

See below for more on our initial release on findings:

Using findings from our research, Mark Wilson from Switch Media presented across the following conferences.

22 – 23 MARCH 2018
Presenter, Key Sponsor

More on our presence at ad:tech

26 – 27 MARCH 2018
Presenter, Key Sponsor

More on our presence at the OTT TV Summit

9 – 12 APRIL 2018
Presenter and Exhibitor

More on our presence at NAB Show

Presentation: OTT monetization – insights from exclusive consumer and global research to achieve maximum monetization effectiveness and revenue.

Mark Wilson, COO and Head of Product, Switch Media 

92% of viewers are likely to change their viewing behaviour due to poorly inserted ads, and 68% prefer one long ad to multiple short ones. Come along to hear Mark Wilson share insights such as these on the streaming habits of Australians derived from research commissioned exclusively by Switch Media.

Findings from the quantitative survey cover perception around streaming habits, quality and services, multi-device and multi-viewing habits. With a specific focus on advertising, insights reveal viewer preferences and tolerance around things such as the number of ads per hour, ad placement (pre, mid, post), ad targeting and ad length.

Mark will also draw on global research with insights around ad placement, effectiveness and ad-blocking for a comprehensive and strategic approach on how to defeat ad-blockers and best serve ads to your audience for maximum effectiveness and revenue.

* Research: Streaming Habits of Australians. Commissioned by Switch Media and undertaken by Stable Research. December 2017.