Redflag POS, the intelligent cloud based retail POS security solution now launched

70% of business fraud losses are from staff

Statistics from the Australian Federal Police show that 70% of business fraud losses are from current and former staff, costing businesses over $1.5 billion a year. Additionally the Australian Retailers Association estimates that 55% of stock shrinkage relates to employee theft.

Theft in the work place is not limited to stealing money and merchandise. It can take many forms including undercharging, giving discounts and ‘freebies’ to friends and incorrect time recording, as well as using company time for personal matters. Employee theft costs employers on many levels including loss of revenue, recruitment, low staff morale and time spent on dealing with the investigation and disciplinary process.

Intelligent cloud based security solution now launchedred-home

With internal theft an ongoing issue, businesses are looking for new and innovative ways to keep an eye on their employees. That’s why Redflag POS, the new security solution recently launched by Switch Media, is such as ground breaking development in retail security.

Using intelligent cloud based technology, Redflag POS links transactional activity and CCTV footage at point of sale then automatically SMS and/or emails the related video footage when any activity, predefined by the business, takes place. This may include activity such as staff discounts, no sales, cancelled transactions and cash collections. Video footage can be viewed anywhere anytime via the Redflag POS online app.

In addition to setting up automated alerts, businesses can search for any behavior, pattern or point in time via the app and immediately access the related video footage. So no more hours of watching CCTV footage, lengthy investigations or guess work, this new security solution does it all for you.

More than just an intelligent security solution

Not only does Redflag POS make retail POS security effortless, it can used across a vast range of other business functions such as operations, compliance and marketing. Here’s a few examples:

• Set up automated alerts to flag any predefined behavior at point of sale.
• View video footage for flagged behavior anywhere anytime via the online application.
• Search any transactional behavior, pattern or point in time then immediately access related footage.
• Observe employee discounts and behavior patterns.
• Monitor point of sale activity such as low, void or cancelled transactions.
• Record and track transaction types and patterns.

• Utilise built in the exception based report engine to quickly check that procedures are being followed.
• View thumbnail snapshots across various time points through the day.
• Monitor line queues.
• Discover bottle necks and peak times in your store.
• Track employee attendance and work hours.

• Access unlimited video/event backup and store thumbnails and clips in the cloud for safe keeping.
• Audit locations remotely.
• Utilise exception based report engine.

• Measure marketing display ROI.
• Count customers.
• Leverage heat mapping function to discover hot spots.

Affordable and easy to integrate

The good news is, because Redflag POS is a cloud based application that works with existing or low cost hardware, it is affordable for businesses of all sizes. It can be used as a complete standalone system or integrated with existing hardware, security systems or applications.

To find out more about this Intelligent, effortless and affordable new security solution go to